The 2024 Nutshell Games
Venue: Moss Arts Center at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg
Date: Saturday, November 2, 2024
Time: 4:30 - 6:00 PM
Event Types: Miscellaneous, Arts & Theatre, STEM Events
Cost: Free
The Virginia Tech Center for Communicating Science presents The Nutshell Games on Saturday, November 2, 2024 inside the Moss Arts Center at Virginia Tech.

Thirty graduate students representing seven of Virginia Tech's colleges will each share their research in just 90 seconds at the Nutshell Games following a day of fun and learning at the Science Festival.

In this fast and friendly research presentation competition, graduate researchers tell their research stories to a public audience and a panel of judges representing both Virginia Tech and our local community including a 7th grader. You'll learn about dancing quarks, salt-eating bugs, detecting landmines, alien species, the secrets to time travel, QR codes to bees, the limits of mathematics, and much more, all in less than an hour.

The Nutshell Games event is open to the public free of charge.

The Moss Arts Center at Virginia Tech is located at 330 Turner Street NW in Blacksburg, VA.

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