Floyd Small Town Summer Series with Music from The What For and Jordan Harman Band
Venue: Warren G. Lineberry Memorial Park, Floyd
Organizations: Jordan Harman, Terry Brown Ascension Project, Town of Floyd
Date: Thursday, August 18, 2022
Time: 6:00 - 10:00 PM
Event Types: Music, Food, Miscellaneous, Family Friendly, Arts & Theatre
Cost: Free
The Town of Floyd continues its 5th Annual Floyd Small Town Summer series featuring music from the Terry Brown Ascension Project and the Jordan Harman Band on Thursday, August 18, 2022 outside at Warren G. Lineberry Memorial Park.

UPDATE: Terry Brown has fallen ill and The What For will now take the spot of the Terry Brown Ascension Project.

The Town of Floyd offers this series of free events to provide a fun, family-friendly atmosphere in downtown Floyd, VA. Featuring music, movies, face-painting, inflatables, games, food and beverage and special activities presented by a variety of community organizations! The events take place on alternating Thursdays from mid-June to the beginning of September.

The Ascension Project brings a dynamic, innovative & creative sound to their audience offering a unique, intricate blend of jazz, fusion, R&B, soul & blues. With every performance, their desire is to bring people along on a musical journey – a musical ascension.

The band is fronted by lead singer / entertainer Terry Brown and features some of the finest talent in the Roanoke Valley Area of Virginia.

Link: https://www.facebook.com/TerryBrownAscensionProject

Jordan Harman is a musician based out of Roanoke, VA.

In our world of sugar-sweet, mass produced, auto-tuned, musical McProduct, can soul still exist within the pop realm? Ask Jordan Harman. Somehow he has managed just that. He creates music that speaks something while retaining a great pop sensibility; something that is increasingly rare today.

Ask Jordan Harman to describe the songs he writes and he'll tell you that it's all about the soul. His smooth vocals, rhythmic guitar playing, and infectious hooks add up to a performance sure to please any crowd. The laid-back grooves will pull you in and, before you know it, you're dancing to the music and singing along.

With influences such as Bill Withers, Donnie Hathaway, D'Angelo, James Brown, The Meters, Otis Redding, and The Roots there are many different elements to his unique brand of soul.



The Small Town Summer Event Series is free and open to the public.

Grab your lawn chair and/or blanket.

Gates will be open and access provided to the public starting at 6:00 PM on all Floyd Small Town Summer events. Movies will begin when the sun goes down.

To view the event flyer, visit: https://i.postimg.cc/cLbSsDhY/image.png or https://i.postimg.cc/C5McZ0MZ/image.png.

For more information, visit: http://floydsmalltownsummer.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/floydsmalltownsummer/.
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