2018 Music On The Lawn Concert Series with Amber Collins & Branch House Pavilion:

Date: July 07, 2018
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Venue: Christiansburg Library
Organizations: Amber Collins & Branch House
Description: Christiansburg Library and the Friends of the Library continue the 2018 Music On The Lawn Concert Series with Amber Collins & Branch House Pavilion on Saturday, July 7, 2018.

Branch House was put together by the trio Amber Collins, Abe Goorsky and Scott Patrick to be able to play a wider variety of music including country, gospel, folk, Americana, bluegrass, and acoustic rock songs. They rely on strong songwriting, instrumental versatility and superb vocals to bring the music they love to a diverse audience.

Branch House Pavilion was initially thought of as a way to branch away from bluegrass, but it was more about exploring originality in songs no matter the genre. Whether it be an interesting back story on how the song was written or a heartfelt display of emotion singing it, Branch House Pavilion has a focus more on the song rather than individuality. Having a singer as dynamic as Amber, the versatility that Abe has on mandolin or guitar, and the songwriting passion that Scott carries with him, all on one stage with three part harmony, it creates a close and comfortable musical journey at each show. It’s like a private concert in your own living room!


• http://www.branchhousepavilion.com/
• https://www.facebook.com/acbranchhousepavilion
• https://www.reverbnation.com/ambercollinsbranchhousepavilion

Admission is free and all are welcome.

Bring lawn chairs and blankets for an evening under the stars feel free to bring a picnic as well. If the weather is bad, everything will be moved inside.

Bring family, friends and dancing shoes to these free concerts!

For more information, visit: http://www.montgomery-floyd.lib.va.us/ or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Christiansburg-Library-Montgomery-Floyd-Regional-Library-System-Va/343472325300 or call 540-382-6965.