Meet Author Jim Minick:

Date: June 24, 2017
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Venue: Jessie Peterman Library
Description: The Jessie Peterman Library presents Meet the Author Jim Minick on Saturday, June 24, 2017.

Help welcome author Jim Minick back to the area for a reading from his new novel, "Fire is Your Water". Jim lived in this area for years and is the popular author of "Finding a Clear Path" and "The Blueberry Years."

Built on magical realism and social observation in equal measure, "Fire Is Your Water" never gives way to sentimentality and provides an insider’s glimpse into the culture of Appalachia. A jealous raven, a Greek chorus of one, punctuates the story with its judgments on the characters and their actions, until a tragic accident brings Ada and Will together in a deeper connection.

For more information on the book, visit:

Refreshments will be provided.

This is being presented to raise money for the Friends of the Library so donations will be requested.

For more information, visit: or or call 540-745-2947.