Christiansburg Toastmasters Bi-Monthly Meeting:

Date: March 13, 2017
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Venue: Blacksburg Church of Christ
Organizations: Toast of the Burgs Toastmasters
Cost: Guests: Free Members: $50.00 each 6 months

Description: The Christiansburg Toastmasters present their Bi-Monthly Meeting on Monday, March 13, 2017 at the Blacksburg Church of Christ.

Looking to improve your skills in communication or leadersihp? Looking to improve you confidence? Then visit Christiansburg Tostmasters to learn how we can help you improve your skills!

Christiansburg Toastmasters meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month (except December when we only meet on the 2nd Monday). Meeting participation will help your communication skills (give speeches or participate in impromptu speaking) and leadership skills (time speeches, listen for grammar errors, etc.).

The Blacksburg Church of Christ is located at 315 Eakin Street in Blacksburg, VA.

For more information, visit: or or email Cassandra Sabo at