KJ Kendall Memorial Golf Tournament:

Date: October 03, 2016
Time: 12:00 - 8:00 PM
Venue: Blacksburg Country Club
Cost: Single Golfer: $100.00 Foursome: $400.00

Description: The Blacksburg Country Club hosts the annual KJ Kendall Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday, October 3, 2016.

Event Schedule:
• 11:00 am - Range Practice
• 12:00 pm - Check-In / Registration begins
• 12:45 pm - Announcements
• 1:00 pm - Shotgun Start
• 6:00 pm - Dinner & Awards

The K.J. Kendall Memorial Scholarship was established out of love by friends and family to honor his memory and to continue the positive impact that he had on the community. In the last three years, we have been able to award $8,000.00 in scholarships! In addition to providing scholarships, proceeds will be used for community outreach programs.

KJ always had a smile on his face and brought sunshine to everyone he met. That is what we would like to do spread sunshine and smiles!

The golf tournament includes dinner and the awards ceremony.

To register online, visit: https://birdeasepro.com/Event/Register/3970.

Prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place times as well as the longest drive and closest to the pin.

More About KJ:

On November 13, 2013, Kevin Kendall Jr. “K.J.”, left this earth to begin his eternal life in heaven. He was our hero. Not only because he was our son, but because who he was, and who he helped us to be. It was an ongoing conversation in our family that “Everybody knows K.J.”. That could also be said as: “Everybody loves K.J.”. It didn’t seem to matter where we were or what we were doing, there would always be someone walk by and say: “Hey K.J.!” Even though he didn’t always realize who it was that said hello, the fact was he made an impact on everyone around him.

K.J.’s spirit was one of a servant. He always wanted to help. Every time a cause was presented to him he wanted to help and threw himself into the task with complete passion. It didn’t matter what it was, from selling Boy Scout Popcorn or FFA Fruit to collecting and dispersing over 800 stuffed animals to children in the hospital. No matter what his current life situation or health was, his primary motivation was to help and to make people happy.

K.J. never gave up. Over his short life he was presented with more challenges than was fair for one person to face. Even though he had his moments of frustration, he never gave up. He would work harder and longer than others around him to accomplish his task. His strength fed our strength and we lifted each other up at each and every challenge.

To view the event flyer, visit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/560276009877189043/.

For more information, visit: http://birdeasepro.com/kjkendall or email KJMemorialtournament@gmail.com.