3 Week Chinese Cooking Class:

Date: July 20, 2016
Time: 4:00 - 7:00 PM
Venue: YMCA at Virginia Tech
Cost: $150.00
Description: YMCA at Virginia Tech presents a Three Week Chinese Cooking Class starting on Wednesday, July 20, 2016.

This class will serve as an introduction to South-East Cuisine, and give an introduction to spices, techniques, and detailing recipes.

Instructor Manvi Chhatwal is totally passionate about cooking. She had her own cookery show on TV channel in India for a year plus many other TV speciality programs and taking cooking classes.

This class will meet from 4:00-7:00 PM on July 20, July 27, and August 3.

To pre-register or for more information, visit http://vtymca.org/open-university/ or call the YMCA Office at 540-961-9622.