Authentic Movement Workshop:

Date: August 13, 2016
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Venue: YMCA at Virginia Tech
Cost: $15.00
Description: YMCA at Virginia Tech presents an Authentic Movement Workshop on Saturday, August 13, 2016.

Authentic Movement is a form of improvisation that involves listening and moving intuitively and without judgment to inner impulses. Using Authentic Movment as a tool for journeying inward, this workshop offers participants a safe, supportive space in which to explore their unique ways of moving and being. Each of us has embodied histories. Each of us has embodied physical, emotional, and spiritual realities. Each of us has body knowledge.

How do we access this rich and layered way of knowing? How do we integrate it in to our lives? How do we share it with others? What helps us access it? What stands in our way?

As we experiment with moving and witnessing others move, we will allow ourselves to notice -- without criticism -- the sensations, thoughts, images, and emotions that arise. Participants will be encouraged to indulge their curiosity, embrace their uniqueness, and allow their knowing bodies to inform their experience of themselves, others, and the world. Because this work is self-directed, it is suitable for both "dancers" and "non-dancers."

No previous dance or movement experience needed.

For those 13+ years old.

To pre-register or for more information, visit or call the YMCA Office at 540-961-9622.