One-Act Comedy "The Actor's Nightmare":

Date: April 11, 2015
Time: 8:00 - 8:45 PM
Venue: Palisades Restaurant
Cost: $5.00
Description: The Giles Little Theater presents the one-act comedy "The Actor's Nightmare" for both diners and non-diners on Saturday, April 11th at 8 pm and Sunday, April 12th at 2 pm upstairs at The Palisades.

The Actor's Nightmare is a short slightly surrealistic comedic play by Christopher Durang. It involves an accountant named George Spelvin, who is mistaken for an actor's understudy and forced to perform in a play for which he doesn't know any of the lines.

Tickets will be available on-site for $5 each.

On Saturday, the show starts at 8 pm, but if you would like to dine at The Palisades before the show, please begin your dinner by 6 pm.

Note: The show will be performed upstairs. We regret that there is no elevator so patrons wishing to see the show at The Palisades must be able to climb the stairs. Patrons who cannot climb stairs are welcome to see the show at the Pearisburg Community Center.

The play will also be performed at the Pearisburg Community Center on Friday, April 10th at 7 pm.

To view the event flyer, visit the NextThreeDays Pinterest Pin at:

For more information please visit or phone or text 540-358-0458.