Three Day Oil Painting Workshop "The Creative Spirit of Palette Knives":

Date: May 21, 2015
Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Venue: Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Cost: $330.00
Description: The Blacksburg Regional Art Association (BRAA) presents "The Creative Spirit of Palette Knives" a three day Oil Painting Workshop with instructor Sally Shisler on Thursday, May 21-23, 2015 at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation Meeting House.

Students will practice painting with a full range of shoulder, elbow. wrist and finger motion in order to discover all the possibilities. Pre-mixed color palettes will be used to allow clean, decisive paint application. No previous palette knife experience is required; however, please comeĀ  with at least an intermediate level of painting skill.

About the Instructor:
Contemporary impressionist painter, Sally Shisler, has become internationally recognized as one of the premier palette knife painters in today's art world. Known as an artist with a unique ability to use knives to create lively, engaging, color rich paintings she is sought by students who desire more excitement in their own work.


The workshop will be held from 9AM-4PM each day with a one hour break at mid day.

The Unitarian Universalist Meeting House is located at 1301 Gladewood Drive in Blacksburg VA.

For registration information, visit: or contact

For more information about the BRAA, visit: