The Mulligan Brothers:

Date: March 14, 2015
Time: 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Venue: Dogtown Roadhouse
Cost: $3.00
Description: Dogtown Roadhouse welcomes The Mulligan Brothers to the stage on Saturday, March 14, 2015.

The Mulligan Brothers, an emerging band from Mobile, Alabama, proves that good stories and lyrics still matter in music and well-written songs don’t need a catchy chorus or a happy ending to win over an audience or to be played over and over. The band's debut album, "The Mulligan Brothers," was voted the "Alabama Album of 2013" by the readers of Mod Mobilian. It is filled with straightforward narratives, concise, original lines, and lead singer Ross Newell’s honest, sincere voice cutting to the heart in songs that seem as much to himself as to the listener.

The rhythm of Greg DeLuca, the string melodies of Gram Rea, and Ben Leininger's suitcase bass grab attention as The Mulligan Brothers' music crosses borders between folk rock, Americana, and country.

"There was a temptation to add more instruments during production of the album but we wanted to reproduce the songs on stage every night," says Rea. "If we can't play it live, we didn't play it on the album, and that shaped our sound."


All ages are welcome.

For more information: For more information, visit: or or call 540-745-6836.