Sustainability Week: Solar 101 Discussion and Solarize Blacksburg Home Tour:

Date: September 21, 2014
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Venue: YMCA at Virginia Tech
Description: As part of Sustainability Week 2014, join the Solar 101 Discussion and Solarize Blacksburg Home Tour at the YMCA at Virginia Tech's Dance Room on Sunday, September 21, 2014.

As part of the community’s Celebrate Sustainability week, Bryan Walsh of Solar Connexion will be offering a session on Practical Photovoltaics. This overview will provide an introduction to photovoltaic solar electric systems including grid–tie, grid–interactive, and off-grid. Discussion will include types of panels, mounting methods, and inverters; system maintenance; and evaluating components, system designs, and installation methods. You’ll have the opportunity to see working solar energy systems with the Solar Trailer that provides mobile stand–alone power and the Y Wind and Solar project.

After the talk, a self-guided tour of Solarize Blacksburg homes will be availalbe from 2-4:30 pm.

Since 2007, the Town of Blacksburg has partnered with Sustainable Blacksburg and Virginia Tech to offer a week-long slate of events in mid-September giving town residents and university students lots of ways to "Celebrate - Educate - Motivate" around sustainability issues. Altogether, there will be 16 fun, informative, and inspiring events.

For more information and a full line-up of the events for Sustainability Week, visit: or contact Carol Davis at or 540-558-0786.