Outdoor Classroom Summer Nature Series: You're Gonna Boogie with Some Bugs, Like It or Not:

Date: August 07, 2014
Time: 7:30 - 8:30 PM
Venue: Wildwood Park
Description: The Outdoor Classroom continues the 2014 Summer Nature Series with a presentation titled: "Boogie in Your Bed; Boogie in Your Cot; You're Gonna Boogie with Some Bugs, Like It or Not" on Thursday, August 7th led by Virginia Tech professor Dini Miller.

Have you been bugged by bugs? Stink bugs, bed bugs, and kudzu bugs have invaded our homes, beds, and gardens. The word “Bug” is actually a true insect family. Discover the life history of these bugs. Can we be rid of them or do we have to live with them?

Park at the Main Entrance to Wildwood Park at Main/Grove or the Sundell/Park Road lot. It is a 5 minute walk to the classroom in the center of the park.

For a map of Wildwood Park, visit: http://www.radfordpl.org/wildwood/today/map.html

In case of rain, the lecture will move to Radford Recreation Center and an announcement will be posted on https://sites.google.com/a/rcps.org/summer-lecture-series/ by 6 pm.

Sponsors for The Outdoor Classroom are: Pathways for Radford, Radford City Schools, Radford Recreation Department.

To view the nature series flyer, visit the NextThreeDays Pinterest Pin at: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/560276009865800592

For more information, visit: https://sites.google.com/a/rcps.org/summer-lecture-series/ or visit: http://www.radfordpl.org/wildwood/OC_lectureseries_14/LectureSeriesAnnounce14.html or contact Frank Taylor, the Lecture Series Coordinator, at ftaylor@rcps.org.