Blacksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad Cash Mob Rescue:

Date: April 23, 2014
Time: 5:55 PM - TBD
Venue: Henderson Lawn, Virginia Tech
Cost: Admission is free however attendees are encouraged to spend up to $20.00 at a local business.

Description: Downtown Blacksburg, Inc. and the Blacksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad (BVRS) present a Cash Mob Rescue on Wednesday, April 23rd.

All participants are to meet at 5:58 pm on the Henderson Lawn Stage located off College Avenue in downtown Blacksburg, VA.

Bring monetary donations for the BRVS to support their tremendous work for the community. The mystery shopping and dining locations will then be announced. Special discounts await all who participate in the Cash Mob!

Rules of the event:
• Meet three people you didn't know before
• Spend up to $20
• Support local businesses

The Cash Mobs go to a local business on a specific date and time and give them an extraordinary time of patronage! Afterwards, we'll all go and get to know each other over a drink or snack at one of our local watering holes! No need to spend a ton of money, but just join in by being a patron of any level. A real way to be a true part of our downtown community.

For more information, visit: or follow CMdtblacksburg on Twitter.