Opening Reception for Artist Martha Olson:

Date: March 13, 2014
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Venue: Glencoe Mansion, Museum & Gallery
Description: Glencoe Museum & Gallery is pleased to announce the opening reception for artist Martha Olson on Thursday, March 13th, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Martha Olson, who is a Blacksburg resident, creates visually and texturally interesting pieces of art using paper as her medium. Olson’s works will be on display through the end of April.

According to the artist, her family viewed art as part of a good education but certainly not the end goal of education, and thus she followed an “acceptable” career path. She went on to have a career outside the world of art and to raise a family, after which she finally had time to pursue her desire to create art. Following much exploration in different art mediums, Olson found that paper was the perfect fit for her.

In the artist’s own words:

My work begins with recycling glossy magazine pages that I alter by crumpling, tearing, cutting, and applying a releasing agent to dissolve the ink. Each page produces a one-of-a-kind image and color palette that I inventory until the colors and images are complete. Then the next step in the process begins like a dance that swirls with combing images, color, and movement to form my creations. I apply many layers of paper, which invites the viewer to take a closer inspection where they will discover and experience hidden images and find personal interpretations.

Everyone is welcome to attend. There is no admission charge.

For more information, visit: or call the museum at 540-731-5031.