Earth Day Contest - Entry Deadline:

Date: April 19, 2014
Time: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Venue: Habitat for Humanity ReStore
Description: The Habitat for Humanity Restore presents their 2nd anniversary Earth Day Contest with the entry deadline on Saturday, April 19th.

Showcase your talent. Take familiar materials and re-purpose them into a work of art or a DIY (Do It Yourself) project and submit it for display and judging in the ReStore. Entries will be judged in several categories and winners will earn ribbons and prizes. Entries will be accepted through April 19, 2014.

There are categories for kids, high school and adults, re-use and artistic, not to mention ribbons and prizes will be announced and awarded at the ReStore's Earth Day Celebration on Saturday, April 26th at 11 am.

Submissions must be “family friendly” and the ReStore reserves the right to make that judgement.

All participants will receive a 10% OFF coupon for the ReStore.

For more information, visit: or by calling 540-381-1155 or by visiting the ReStore at 1675 North Franklin St, Christiansburg for contest guidelines.