Nick Andrew Staver in Concert
Venue: Long Way Brewing, Radford
Organizations: Nick Andrew Staver
Date: Saturday, April 6, 2024
Time: 6:00 - 8:30 PM
Event Types: Music, Food
Cost: Free
Long Way Brewing presents Nick Andrew Staver in concert on Saturday, April 6, 2024.

Nick Andrew Staver is an American roots and blues songwriter who plays a 10 pound steel guitar and is from Southern Pennsylvania.

Every live performance exposes parallels between his personal journey and the American experience, no matter the size of stage. ?Each song, a story to further develop the focus on the benefits and struggles that come with small town rural life.

Writing and recording as a solo artist since 2014 has led to the release of albums including "Medicine" (2020), "Live. In House" (2021) and "Rust Don’t Shine".


Bubba's Barn food truck will be on site from 12:00-8:00 PM.

Long Way Brewing is located at 501 2nd Street in Radford, VA.

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