Book Club: Women of the Vine
Venue: Blacksburg Wine Lab, Blacksburg
Date: Sunday, March 3, 2024
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Event Types: Food, Drink Specials, Arts & Theatre, Class
Cost: $40.00
Blacksburg Wine Lab continues their Book Club featuring the book "Women of the Vine" on Sunday, March 3, 2024.

Join us for the Wine Lab Book Club tasting & discussing featuring "Women of the Vine" by Deborah Brenner!

About Women of the Vine:
If you are passionate and believe in what you are doing, work is not a job but a way of life. For today’s enterprising women in the wine industry, it is their passion for their careers in wine that both defines them and unites them. More than a book about wine, Women of the Vine connects with today’s women in the wine industry, whose passions dictate how they lead their lives, how they fight adversity and conquer gender stereotypes in an often male-­­dominated workplace—and how their calling has taken them on the most rewarding journeys of their lives.

Brimming with helpful sidebars filled with tips and secrets including storing wine after opening, unusual food and wine pairings, and tasting wine like a pro. "Women of the Vine" takes you on a new and very different journey to wine country, inviting you to enjoy these remarkable women’s stories one sip at a time.

The total ticket cost is $40.00

To purchase online, visit:

Save your spot with a $10.00 deposit, which is transferable, but not refundable.

Blacksburg Wine Lab is located at 223 Gilbert Street in Blacksburg, VA.

For more information, visit: or or or call 540-605-7291.
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